So, even though this is a blog about art and its influence on life, society, blah, blah, blah. I wanted to include yet another tidbit on how art reflects music and vice versa. When I paint I have a playlist that is solely for me to paint. Included on this Itunes playlist is one of my alltime fave bands, Death Cab for Cutie. Death Cab= Ben Gibbard, who is a musical mastermind, I mean the man is a genius and his voice, well you will figure it out for yourself. Anyways one song in particular is brought to mind, especially when I look at this random long exposure photograph of a city street that I found, doesn't it remind you of I Will Possess Your Heart? Its a relatively newer song from Death Cab, but its a great one. Check it out, while looking at this new picture! See what you think. Oh yeah, and the reason I thought of it is because my friends got Death Cab tickets!!