Ok, so as previously stated, I am an avid Ben Folds fan. Not only have I been to four of his shows, I frequent (not on purpose) many of his stomping grounds. I have all his albums and know where his house is.
I am not a stalker though. I know where his house is purely because my friend Hbomb's sister stalked him when she was in high school, and I live off of his street. I attend Belmont, I can't help but know him and love him. Anyways so the reason behind my extremely unclever "where is waldo" reference, is because of this. Not only do I constantly run into Ben Folds outside of a concert arena, but I did today twice in one day at two different places with two parts of his family. I don't really know how I manage it, but I have run into Ben at my two favorite hw places, 21st avenue starbucks and fido in hvillage. I have run into Ben at Fido before, and when I say run, I mean literally run into him. haha
I also know that his kids go to USN which is down the street from starbucks, I suppose it was only a matter of time before I ran into him here. Still, its really weird people go their entire lives without running into anyone famous, and I run into people all the time. And again, I didn't stalk him the reason I know that his kids go to USN, is simply because my brother went there, as did a few of my friends, and my friend ali found out through a high school literary conference. What made today's encounter even funnier was that I was listening to Hiroshima as he walked in, how ironic is that? lol It made my horrible day a little bit better let me tell you.
Well moving on to slightly more interesting topics, todays artwork is a piece by Vermeer a painter from the renaissance, who constantly painted people at a window. I had to do a project on him in 2-D design, and its only fair that you all are exposed to him as well.
http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:amZHqXhcjTbZpM:http://www.artsology.com/gfx/whatswrong/vermeer_1.jpgAnd just cause, I will post a wonderful clip of a limited release Ben Folds Five Song.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4UBNBgE2lgJust so you know, the countdown to Death Cab for Cutie at Ryman auditorium is on, May 4th people!!!